
Showing posts from April, 2020

Catechism 7B "Holy Week"

HOLY WEEK PREPARATION. April 07, 2020 HOLY WEEK PREPARATION 8th April, 2020 GOOD MORNING STUDENTS😊😊 Let's listen to the Hymn in Prayerful Silence. We are aware of the timeline of the Holy Week/Passion Week 👇 This year's Holy Week is unprecedented  ( something that has never happened before ) and amidst the lockdown each of these very important days is going to appear as routine if we don't make them special for ourselves. Let's prepare ourselves a little. HOLY THURSDAY ALSO KNOWN AS MAUNDY THURSDAY/ THE LAST SUPPER Some important things to remember Jesus washed the feet of all his disciples. He took the role of a SERVANT.  Ask yourselves  these  questions: Is it embarrassing to take the role of a servant? Do I treat someone who is poor / less fortunate with LOVE and compassion? Jesus gave us a NEW COMMANDMENT. To love one another as He loved us. To celebrate His last supper which we do w...